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Free AI Tools for All Levels of Experience

Nyari Dori
2 min readDec 17, 2022


Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around for many years, but recently it has become more popular than ever. AI is used to automate and streamline tasks, from simple web searches to complex data analysis. While there are tools available that range from free to expensive, this blog will focus on the top 50 free AI tools that are available today. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, these tools can help you get started with AI without spending a fortune.

  1. Google Cloud AutoML Vision — This tool is designed to help users create custom image recognition models using Google’s state-of-the-art machine learning technology. It offers an easy-to-use interface and powerful features to help users quickly create models that can be deployed in production environments.

2. TensorFlow — This open source machine learning library allows users to build deep learning models with Python or JavaScript APIs without having to write complicated code. It also supports both CPUs and GPUs for faster training times.

3. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit — This toolkit provides various algorithms for creating deep learning models in C#, C++, and Python languages. It also supports distributed computing so users can train their models on large datasets quickly and efficiently.

4. IBM Watson Machine Learning — IBM Watson Machine Learning provides an end-to-end platform for deploying machine learning models in production environments at scale with ease. It also offers various services such as data preparation and model building to make the process easier for developers of all levels of experience.

5. Amazon Sagemaker — Amazon Sagemaker is an end-to-end platform offering various services such as notebook instance management, model tuning, deployment automation, and much more that makes it easy to build and deploy ML/DL applications at scale with minimal effort needed from the user side.

And to add more to the list worth to check out: Braina Pro, Azure Machine Learning Studio, BigML, H2O Driverless AI, MLBox, Algoseek Algorithmic Trading Platform , AlphaZero , Apache MXNet , AYLIEN Text Analysis API , Boltron , Botify , Chatfuel , Cloudera Data Science Workbench , Diffbot Knowledge Graph , Dialogflow , Facebook Wit AI Bot Engine , Google Cloud Natural Language API , Heap Analytics , Hugging Face Transformers Library , IBM Watson Discovery Service etc…

If you’re looking for a way to start exploring artificial intelligence without breaking the bank or taking on too much risk then these 50 free AI tools are a great place to start! From open source libraries like TensorFlow and Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit to commercial offerings like Amazon SageMaker and IBM Watson Machine Learning there’s something here for everyone regardless of skill level or budget! So don’t wait any longer — start experimenting today!

